


第122χ 愛犬のΨ難

Oh my god, my pet dog “Ann” passed away in early morning, 29th May.I had lived with Ann in my high school days, and after matriculation of my undergraduate, I went to Kyoto alone and Ann had lived with my mother in Kanagawa for this 10 yea…

第121χ 帯状疱疹のΨ難

Oh my god, now I have contracted HERPES ZOSTER, and I overlooked it as light hives for several days, and I did not see a doctor soon as I found the rash, oh my god. Therefore the twinge and tingling pain is getting worse, though I could ha…

第120χ 「万引き家族」を観たΨに

Oh good grief, I really identify with the movie “Shoplifters” in several points, probably just because I have an aversion to the conventional and “normal” stereotype of family in Japan, so that, heterosexual marriage and kindred children, …

第119χ 国Ψ女性デー2020

Oh god grief, 8th March, International Women’s Day in 2020 has come, and I cannot but deplore sex&gender restriction, prejudice and fixed ideas without ∀rationale or scientific evidence have been rampant at once, ,and even at present they …

第118χ Ψ近の決意

Oh my god, still now, I feel bad, I’m extremely stressed out just by job hunting and this precariousness, moreover what I have failed my first choice, oh my god. And recently I heard my greatest mentor will bow out his job and back to Fran…

第117χ 現Ψの憂鬱

Oh my god, I cannot be confident in myself at all, just because I have failed my first choices, and I could NOT eschew applying several jobs with compromise, it has tormented me. I always suffer from dilemma, I have second thoughts about m…

第116χ 心身のΨ難

Oh my god, I have suffered from mental and physical sickness in a row, probably just because of extreme stress of job hunting and my precariousness, actually at first time in my life, at last, I saw a medical doctor of psychiatry, needless…

第115χ 就活のΨ難

Oh my god, I have entirely frazzled out, I’m extremely fed up with my life ‼️ Since the beginning of 2018, ALL EVENTS concerning job hunting have always tormented me so seriously, and actually it has broken my precious human relationship a…

第114χ 面接前のΨ難

Oh my god, I feel dreadfully stressed by coming interviews, there has been incessant heart beat, oh my god. And I cannot be confident in my own choice about these PD jobs, oh my god. Anyway I want to flee from this stressful events in a ro…

第113χ 観測問題のΨ難

Still now, I have kept feeling a nagging sense of something not quite understood about “general” quantum physics, and it has tormented me so seriously, oh my god! And at present, at last, I have just found that the most critical problem is…

第112χ 年明けのΨ難?

Oh my god, it’s usual in the beginning of the year, some of my friends tell me about their marriages or the birth of their KINDRED children, and still I cannot understand their feelings at all, oh my god. Especially “the birth of KINDRED c…

第111χ ドキドキΨン会♡☆

Oh my god, the beginning of this year 2020,I appreciated the piano performance by Ikuyo Nakamichi,and after it, as stepping down basking in the afterglow (reverberation), as she unexpectedly passed by me, I ejaculated “WOW ‼️Oh my god‼️‼️“…