


My fondness for old days

My mother has come to help me. She will be here until next Monday. Therefore she recommended me a song by Yu Takahashi. She adores it. Therefore I listened to it. Therefore I cannot avoid pining for the group which I had belonged for four …


I opened that chapter in the book which is written about thermodynamics & statistical physics again.Though I have always been "latently " curious about it recently I have not considered or talked to someone about it. That chapter explains …


Oh dear, at last I will be discharged next Tuesday . However I have not recovered , I will not have been able to walk without sticks until next month, maybe. Therefore, I have to live in a monthly apartment temporarily because my apartment…


Oh good grief! Come on! Sometimes at late-night a staff suddenly intrudes into my room without just knocking or anything then turns a flashlight to my face. I cannot but be flabbergasted at the moment! Actually in private room, I am suppos…

「Ψ教育のススメ」は無理? 続き

先のΨ悪Ψ難スタッフの話の続き。 現在、そんな【生きた化石】が病院で働いているなんてビックリ!と友達に言われたけど、私自身もそう思う。 友人曰く「明治時代か、やれやれ。 生きた化石か…」(笑) 私は、「ツチノコの死骸」をなぜか思い出したけど(^_^;)…


やれやれ、(不愉快なスタッフは時々いるが)今度のΨ難Ψ悪スタッフは、もう救いようがないとしか言いようがない。 こういう差別思想の人間が存在すること自体が極めて不愉快だ!【女性は、大学でても嫁に行ったら終わりだ。高等教育を受けさせても何にもなら…


Aah, Good grief❗️Come off it❗️ I was just changing my clothes so I was almost naked . As a staff knocked the door, I shouted "Please wait a little!". However the staff "intruded " into my room though she surely heard my words " please wait…


Cf. 117 χ "Amazingoo Ψ(゚∀゚)Ψ!" Of course I have known that there has not been the appropriate theory for this phase transition for so long, and I have also always wondered about it. ;The three phases of matters and the phase transition ; …


(cf.第99χ と第131χ) Now I have given a Ψ(sigh) of relief...... Huh well,..... I managed to finish the calculation of quantum physics( matrix mechanics) . Therefore I made sure that the eigenvalue matches other eigenvalue, oh dear..... I …


(一つ前の投稿の続き)やれやれ・・・ 一日に同じ計算をΨ三やった、やった、 であるからして、Ψ三同じ結論という・・・ ふーーやれやれだ、全く・・・ やれやれ、 線形代数学の勉強を、あのクラスでもう半年、続けてたら良かったのかもしれないな。 あんな…


(cf. 第99χ ) やれやれ、 Ψ三、もとい、再三やってるのに、いや、もう5,6χはやってるのに、しかも、後輩にΨ度見てもらったのに、 この問題、殺れないね(←Ψ木頻出の暗殺教室風?業や渚は合ってたけど、知予は嫌だな。「くーちゃん、この言い方やめたほうが…

131 χ 「好きな人」

I really identify with Kusuo. from my heart! I have experienced the situation like this for many times .Especially in my undergraduate, outside of our university. I have disgusted with people like that . I have just answered "I like many."…


Speaking of the overhaul before the hospitalization. There were many questionnaires.; They were about my character, trouble, anxiety, hope, and sexuality and so on. I answered as follows. 【Character 】 At first I tried to write "Mysteriou…

Transfer to the different hospital

Today I was discharged from here and came to here, the different hospital. I will continue the hospitalization for a while, max 3 weeks. Thank to my second house (asylum, aΨlum )mother in Kyoto , I managed to go through everything . Just a…

I heard that...

I have just gotten convinced that !The calculation of eigenvalue must be correct. Now I am confident that I will explain the reason why the eigenvalues for different Sz match. I am itching to talk this ! I have not be able to fall asleep a…

The concept of "order "

As usual (?), I have meditated on the concept "order " . They always discuss Free energy and so on assuming that we readers have commonly understanding of the concept "order ". Ex. The usual introductions of Ginsburg Landau theory However …


My friend came to visit but he had not said when to come clearly . The "uncertainty " made me surprised again. It was so fortunate that I was there. We enjoyed talking about our study each other. ; He belongs to the faculty of education, a…


The day I have to be discharged from this hospital is coming soon, so staffs in this hospital came to talk so often , therefore the "interruption " ( I would rather use "disruption " for them) occurs more often yesterday . Moreover the wif…