


第72χ 私と彼らのΨと羨望

(Post script of the last update, oh my god) I wrote about the locality and reality of kindred father and supervisors in the imaginary field “my wedding party”, however probably in my deepest, I have not been concerned about the locality of…

第71χ 不ΨのΨ難

Imagining about “Wedding profile movie”, I always think in case of me, I would just introduce my academic interest and study in doctor course, wine and the sommelier test, and of course, my intense interest and overflowing love of mathemat…

第70χ Ψ木・夢原関係のアナロジー

Oh my god, I have been completely “stargazing” and “dreaming” as thinking about future research plan concerning Uncertainty relationships and nontrivial quantum transitions, oh dear! I have clinically cracked up reading about the stargazin…

第69χ パーティーのΨに

Oh my god, I seem to be so “stargazing” as thinking about future research plan, oh my god ........ Recently, I always seem to be totally obsessed by “Uncertainty principle”and several “odd” physical ideas, oh my god! I have attended a chem…

第68χ 国Ψ女性デー2019追記

Oh good grief, I think it’s fulsome, however yesterday, 8th March is IWD(International Women's Day), then I will update something a little more competing with several episodes , oh good grief. ( cf. several recent updates, “At the recent m…

第67χ 国Ψ女性デー2019

Oh dear, yesterday, 8th March is IWD(International Women's Day), then I write something that I had actually felt about bias or discrimination towards “female” competing with a recent episode, oh good grief. ( cf. several recent updates, “A…

第66χ 現Ψの分野?

At first, in this field not as autonym in some SNS, there’re people who are in much more serious or harsh conditions than me, by complaining about catastrophic events here, I hope they feel “not just myself” a little, oh dear. Then here is…

第65χ 分野間のΨ

Oh my god, now I’m entirely uneasy and confused with “Integrable models” and basic theory of quantum physics, or other fields of mathematical physics, so that my near future course, oh my god........ BTW, In our voluntary seminars of math,…

第64χ 可積分系からの展χ?

Oh my god, now that objective and kind comments and “Integrable models” make me upset or worried, oh my grief. Moreover looking back, many friends or seniors have invited me to various fields (wine, other fields in physics, history and phi…

第63χ Ψ初の気持ちを振り返り

Oh my god, my recent study has no constituency, and even now I long for “Integrable systems” in mathematical physics, I have nether read this favorite book studied spin systems, anymore oh good grief. Just Because!This URL was named after…

第62χ Ψ悪に「大嫌い」‼️

Oh my god , I have not been able to deal with the negative feeling “detestation”! Recently I had a meeting, by his objective comments, then I deeply realized the serious problem of my stagnation of my research after the latest paper last …

第61χ 経Ψ的なΨ難

Oh my god, I confide my true feeling, in my deepest, maybe I’m in pain, I feel it is a harsh decision, it’s tough for me, ....... I’m not so confident in myself, oh my god. Although the academic study is top priority in all and I have alre…

第60χ 人生計画の崩χのΨ難

「数理物理学・量子力学の基礎論の先生との面χにおいて」 この分野を選ぶ覚悟があるか、再Ψ確認された、とにかくこの分野は研究予算が取れず、【ポスドク問題】が特に深刻な分野である、ということである、 やれやれ、 つまり、「最低限の人間的な生活と量子…