



やれやれ、もう月曜日が来るのか。 あっという間に週末が終わってしまった…… しかし、 斉木Ψ難の「畳だけに畳かける」並みに、Ψ難続きだなぁ。(cf. 第16X①「Ψ強美少女VS絶対に落ちない男(前編)」) すぐにΨ会しよう、って話してたのに、友人が引きこもり…


As usual, it's farewell season. I feel lonesome thinking about my friends who will graduate in this March. Recently my juniors have not go to school anymore. It was a routine that we had coffee break and chatted and laughed together. I som…

Inferior complex in the faculty

やれやれ、 今までもΨ三あったことだが、 またあった…… 化学や実験的な研究の教養がない私が(それらに関する)質問をして、気不味くなること。 「***の基本的なことなら、本を読むなり、自分で調べるなりしてください。」とだけ、 冷たく、呆れたように…


(「失望を露わに」してしまう……やれやれ) Oh, good grief, ......... recentry there have been "mishaps" one after another just as Saiki Ψnan story ! I will complain a little about one of them........I feel sad. I can NEVER do understand "why …


Dear my friends, Oh, it's just a calamity, My iphone has broken..., so I cannot check my iphone mail and LINE. Then please contact me by my PC mail. やれやれ、 私のiphone が壊れてしまい、しばらくはメールやラインをチェックできません。 であ…


I got a big shock and at a loss as I heard that a teacher in our faculty would change his job and leave our university.......! I unexpectedly burst into crying as I was ruminating over nice memory with him for 8 years. I had attended all o…

The questionnaire

Oh good grief..... Last night, I suffered from a nightmare after some interval........ It reminded me of my traumatic past and inferior complex as I woke up. In the nightmare, I seemed to take a test alone in a large classroom. The subject…

Hard work days

Oh, good grief, recently I have been frazzled out because of hard work for the next conference of JPS. Moreover there have been many businesses, good grief . ; I sometimes go to hospital even now. Solving PC troubles, the public hearing of…


Yesterday, the open hearing of master thesis in this faculty was held, my dear juniors gave admirably presentations! I was very happy to watch them with smiling☺︎. However, the end of this brought lonesome and plaintive feeling on me......…


ちょっと問題があったようで、しばらくの間、この日記を限定公開にします。 というのも、私の本名と前の所属研究室名で、ほとんどトップに(少なくとも私のFacebookや研究室のHPより上に)出てくるようで、個人的な日記だから少し問題ではないか……と指摘され…