



The end of last year, I surely hoped after my graduation. 【If I would work as PD just after my graduation, there would be two types.】 1. change my field “a little”, but change the environment “drastically”( at least study abroad in NOT E…


やれやれ、 Ψ近の金曜日、母のススメで 倉橋ルイ子さんのライブに出かけてきた。 彼女の歌は、ほとんどが「バラード」と呼ばれる失恋に関する歌であり、 私の友達はよくご存知のように、 私は、「恋愛の概念」が「理解」 できていないようで、 親友曰く、 私…


Oh god grief, I have been thought as foreigner or one who had grown abroad for so many times, and recently it occurred again and again. 【Once again, I have grown in Japan, I have NOT studied abroad and my parents are completely Japanese!…

Such a tight schedule

There will be tests, homework, and something to do ASAP in a row, oh good grief, as follows; tests : Symbolic(mathematical) logic, French grammar, Liner algebra Homework : Logic, The introduction of the basis of mathematics, infinitesimal …


【The calamity concerning the inferiority of “studying”】 When it comes to topics concerning mathematics in high school, it always recalls those traumatic days, oh my god! Oh my god, actually I had felt serious inferior complex about almos…


【The calamity concerning the inferiority of “language”】 Oh my god, as usual since my childhood, even these years, people often think me as foreign student because of my poor and odd language. I have serious difficulty in both ”meta and o…

The catastrophe of flashback

Oh my god, I woke up from a nightmare after some interval. As my close friends know, needless to say, it was realistic one concerning my traumatic past by ‘the Educators ‘ , oh my god. BTW, Recently I have often cared about my own situatio…


Oh good grief, I identify with the main theme of “Kira kira precure a la mode” . The last several topics and a background song make me think about various things. If they didn’t give me them, and I would totally ignorant of them? If they w…


Oh my god, recently I have got to know several people, and though they are NOT my friends but teachers and not so familiar, they have so kindly and gently helped and encouraged. However I sometimes fear their gentleness, oh my god....... C…


Oh good grief, recently, day by day, something strong convictions or feelings have been becoming in my mind. For example, it got to my conviction that the papers by Anderson have never inspired me to study it, but those results which he to…


Oh no, I have frequently been disturbed and distracted, and what is worth, discouraged. I have always obsessed with the serious fear how to ‘scrape by on’ just after next March, oh no. I’m extremely covetous of understanding the book and t…

Just before the conference, but....

Oh good grief, why have I been so depressed and deep in meditation just before the conference? Even though I always felt extremely nervous when I speak, I had always looking forward to it, and enjoyed every time. I feel so lonesome...... B…


Snap out of it, concentrate myself on what I adore and long, oh my god, however I have suffered and distracted by several problems concerning human relationships, oh no! For changing my mind, I put the old books in the cabinet and arranged…


The night at Beaune I got acquainted with two Japanese at the restaurant in Beaune. They were sitting just beside my table and being aware that I was Japanese, talked to me friendly. I was alone. We soon hit it off with each other, we real…

Gevrey Chambertin 1er Cru Les Combottes 2001

Georges Lignier et Fils Gevrey Chambertin 1er Cru Les Combottes 2001(ジョルジュ・リニエ・エ・フィス ジュヴレ・シャンベルタン プルミエ・クリュ レ・コンボット) 透明で、明るいガーネット色。エッジが褐色で、広めのグラデーションになり、 熟成が見…


Oh good grief, I have finished several important business trip in a row.I have been too busy to update wine tasting notes, I’m sorry, because several friends, who will take the sommelier test in this year,have seriously checked my tasting …


やれやれ、Ψ近の私は、back numberの「ハッピーエンド」の歌詞に共感する。あの頃と人間関係が完全に変わってしまったようで、とても切なく淋しい……私が、マイペースで自分勝手で本能的な欲求のままに突っ走っていて、結果的に裏切るような行動をとっている…




やれやれ、ボーヌへ日帰りで行ってきた。とにかく、美しくて、愛らしくて、親しみが持てるやれやれ、名前の’beau’ (「美しい」という意味らしい)の通り、どこへ歩いて行っても行っても行ってもどの光景も美しい!町をみて、こんなに感動したのは久しぶりだ…

relaxed in Dijon





Oh good grief,8 March is International Women’s day.https://www.facebook.com/groups/313728852353837/permalink/367551410304914/Coming the day a year,I get conscious of being femalethough I usually not so except for admiring beautiful and coo…















