


What is the reason why I 'm so sensitive to human right problems ?Maybe ……one is 

I had been felt FORLORN in my childhood because I was minority in several points.

I was always regarded as “cranky“ ”crazy” “odd person“ often, ・・・even ”insane ” "lunatic "!

and ostracized in classroom .

Several people said to me

” you should go to insane asylum(mental hospital)“ 

(To enphasis on ”insane“ , I wanted to use ”insane asylum” deliberately,of cource I know this expression is archaic and not used now. )

Therefore I seem to be very sensitive to prejudice and discrimination against minorites.

BTW, “luner”(maybe ”lunatic” is much more common use )

is rarely used as similar meaning to insane, 

but I don't want to use it as this meaning,

because it comes from a mental illness which was thought affected by moon in old days.

luner 月の

lunatic 精神異常者の、精神病の、狂人の

cranky 変人の

odd person 変人

insane 正気でない、気が狂った、精神異常者の

insane asylum (昔の)精神病院、精神病患者の隔離施設

asylum なら、「政治犯の亡命に対する庇護、避難所」が第一義ですね。

ostracize を排斥する、追放する

