

Identify with the hero

I feel I can really identify with the hero of this comic in 少年ジャンプ "ものの歩" as my experiences in my childhood and the way of thinking are so remarkably similar!The hero,Shinobu had been alone, and clumsy and poor at anything but being avid for studying.

He makes friends and dreams the first dream, but many seniors dash his dream cruelly,

just as I had experienced in my childhood.

Shinobu is to Shougi what I am to Free energy and solid state physics,whether there is different that this is second dream for me.

I could not go through about the first dream in my childhood, not only I was usually ostracized in class but also I had always been completely alone about the study, simply it lingers as traumatic nightmare in my mind ……, probably forever?

However after belonging the lab and started pursuing "Free energy" I was revitalized and this time I was never alone, always with them.

And I wonder the manga artist has traumatic 

experience like that …?






私は、大学に入って、二番目の夢を再び抱くが、それもあちこちで否定されてきた、でも、今度は違う! 私を支えてくれる「仲間」「友達」が、いつも私の傍にいる、だから、決して諦めずに進んでいける、



共感できる部分がかなり多いので、作家は、かつてこんな経験をしてきたのか? と疑ってしまう……。