

Surprising coincidence! & Opening a new epoch!

Today is 26th, June ‼️It's just after one year from the day 【26th, June 2015】 !

On the day last year there was the lab regular seminar and I was presenter. And the day was professor's birthday. We usually celebrate him by giving a birthday party.

It was the last presentation at the former group.

In the seminar I declared my interest and hope in my study.

He had imposed me to find a theme of my doctor course's study totally alone.

He requested me " something completely Creative and Novel ", Not an etude or development .

He instructed me to meditate deeply and alone and just Flounder without reading treatises or books or consulting someone.That was only instruction. 

However I could not conceive of a creative and bright idea just by Meditating alone so I 

 I introduced several treatises interesting to me, 

I insisted that I would cling to spin frustration system, phase transition, Triangular lattice or those derivations from triangular lattice, of course Free Energy!

My supervisor at that time didn't give me any advice or instructive comment as usual.

Moreover, I made a Slide for celebrating his birthday as the last of Slideshow,.

After my presentation we gave a birthday party for Professor ( my former supervisor).

BTW, speaking of the day, it always reminds me that it is a memorial day, because on the day the US Supreme Court has ruled that same-sex marriage is a legal right across the US.

The topic has often been brought up in talks with my friends, especially who study law.

"Interpreting the U.S. Constitution "

"More recently, ruling such as the 2015 Supreme Court decision to legalize gay marriage have been seen as victories for proponents of the living Constitution.  

The ruling is based on the Fourteenth Amendment,which says that no state could deny "the equal protection of the laws "to its citizens.

However, it is almost certain that when it was passed in 1868, it was not meant to extend to homosexuals,whose behavior was generally considered sinful at the time.

The modern Supreme Court,however,ruled that discriminating against same-sex couples was unconstitutional.

Although people such as law professor Adam Winker of the University of California,Los Angeles,have called this "one more nail in the coffin of Originalism ", shifts in judicial opinion happen regularly,as Supreme Court justices are appointed by political administration with differing views on constitutional interpretation."

(Extracted from Eiken grade 1 , 2015-3 )

My close friend described the coincidence as 

" Surprising coincidence! & Opening a new epoch!".

Oh, it's pity!

I will be able to challenge this test again next January because I can never manage the schedule on the day at any costs.(>_<)















" Surprising coincidence! & Opening a new epoch!".



"Interpreting the U.S. Constitution "

"More recently, ruling such as the 2015 Supreme Court decision to legalize gay marriage have been seen as victories for proponents of the living Constitution.  

The ruling is based on the Fourteenth Amendment,which says that no state could deny "the equal protection of the laws "to its citizens.

However, it is almost certain that when it was passed in 1868, it was not meant to extend to homosexuals,whose behavior was generally considered sinful at the time.

The modern Supreme Court,however,ruled that discriminating against same-sex couples was unconstitutional.

Although people such as law professor Adam Winker of the University of California,Los Angeles,have called this "one more nail in the coffin of Originalism ", shifts in judicial opinion happen regularly,as Supreme Court justices are appointed by political administration with differing views on constitutional interpretation."

