

My friend confided...No.1

I revised this update a little. 

" I have not told you and I have not broached .......in fact I will be wedded in November next year. I am so sorry , I confide this to you suddenly(>人<;). " 

My friend e-mailed me.

He is my old classmate of the department of natural science in Kyoto uni. and has been familiar with me since the undergraduate. 

And I respected him as my classmate.

I cannot understand the reason why....somehow, I was surprised.

I am puzzled ..., 

I feel something wrong .........?

Maybe I believed implicitly that he is a person like me about romance.

Just because ....

【the situation】

 We were second grade , undergraduate, and I had always been puzzled , bewildered and confused by the topic " romance and marriage" , because (as my friends at present well know ) of course I knew the Japanese words, however there were NO concepts of them in my mind. ( At that time I enjoyed studying at school and I always loved my own school, Kyoto uni. however my mind were always captured by the revenge on THEM and envy, the strong longing and inferior complex. ) 

And just after the entrance celemony, there was a class gathering . Seniors in second grade prepared welcome party for us. They asked us to introduce ourselves following the self-introduction template which they prepared. 

In it there was a question " do you have girlfriend or boyfriend ? Are you falling in love ? " ( this is usual question at this event every year, however for me, even now , I feel mysterious and there is something wrong. ) 

Then we were supposed to introduce ourselves for classmates. 

My friend " I said "my girlfriend is mathematics (^^)." as an answer of the question " Do you have girlfriend or boyfriend? Are you falling in love ?" 

when the introduction for my classmates after entrance ceremony, haha. "

Alisa " Oh, dear, nice coincidence, " Chemistry " I answered , hehe! " 


And I received his words as it was. 

I thought he was similar to me.

At that time I believed the metaphor " I fall in love with Chemistry ..." ( actually I found it in a journal ) was just true to romance for the person. 

→ This is probable likely about Riki Nendo in ΨKi story, haha ! ( cf. 2 χ , volume 1 ) 

(To be continued)





私は、なぜか、どういうわけか、理解ができない…困惑している? なにか違和感がある?  








ところで、学部一回生、入学式の直後にクラスでので集まりがあった。2回生の先輩たちが、ちょっとして歓迎会を開いてくださった。 先輩たちは、自己紹介テンプレートを用意していて、これに沿って自己紹介をするように私たち新入生に命じた。このテンプレートの中に、「恋人いるor いない? 恋してる?」というのがあったのだ。 (私にとっては非常に不思議なのだが、この質問は毎年恒例になってるらしい。)


友人「入学式の後のクラスの集まりで『恋人いる、いない? 恋してる? 』→「数学💕(笑)」って答えたよ(笑)」

私 「あ、一緒いっしょー!私も『化学✨ 』って答えたよ*」






それに、数学系の友達だって、『恋人は数学』って言ってたよ! (お? )」これ真面目に先輩、同級生に言ってました……学部2回生の私。

→「斎木楠雄のΨ難の燃堂力 なら同様のことがありえますよね(笑)」(cf. 第1巻 2χ 最低Ψ悪!?燃堂力 )
