

A look of ANNOYANCE!

I am extremely frazzled out, but my teacher of our department to assist must be more, he must be worn out to death!

He was a perfect helper!; he even stood surety for me for entering hospital. 

The hospital basically demands my family-in-law, but exceptionally the teacher was admitted. 

Basically, my mother should come here from Yokohama and sign ,Ψn in it.

There is an episode. 

In my shopping at Takashinaya department store, my teacher ( he is male ) stopped his hands rolling the wheel chair " Oh, should I roll into this area !? " 

I felt sorry and awkward....(^^;; 

But finally, he seemed to enjoy the beauty and "difference " , oh, Ψ of these fashionable design seeing them! (^◇^;)

I will bet my life on it, he is NOT abnormal and problematic! 

I will touch on it later.

BTW, a nurse seemed to be irritated because we demanded several things and confirmed again and again. ;

The hospital demanded me to arrive at 11 tomorrow to enter the hospital, 

but I will never be able to it, because both of them will not be able to take me to the hospital at the designated time, 11AM.

Exceptionally, there being something inevitable reason, one can enter at other time.

My teacher negotiated and the nurse admitted finally, being dissatisfied.

After it, he left that place temporally. Then the nurse called out to me and I turned my face to her as she said to me,

【 "Don't look me with a look of ANNOYANCE ❗️" 】

I was surprised and confused..." Oh,no ...I don't intend it.......I am being confused............."

Did I look her with the face like it, didn't I ❓

That is so uncomfortable matter, 

just a "Ψnan" ! 




「家族の保証人欄」というのがあって、それはその場の私にはいなかったが、本来なら、横浜の母が京都まで駆けつけてサイン、もといΨン をすべきらしい。

買い物では、「え? ここへ入るのか…?」と車椅子を押す手が止まった(男性の)先生にデパートの女性下着の売り場に突入してもらい、なんだか気まずいというか申し訳なかった(^^;; (笑) けど、最終的には、先生が、それらのデザイン性の美しさや差異、あ、個性を楽しんでるような感じだった(笑)(^◇^;) 私の首をかけるが、彼にヤバい趣味は、決してないのでご安心を(爆笑)!









私はびっくりして、困惑して、何をどう返したらいいのかわからない……「え? そんなつもり…ないです…が、 私、困惑してます…………」と答えた。

私、こんな「迷惑顔」したのかな❓ 暗い表情はしてたはずだけど……

本当に不χで、まさに Ψ難だ!

(cf. 斉木楠雄のΨ難 第67χ 転校生~ Ψ初の出会い ~ ☆)