

Absolute Zero?

I really wonder the third of thermodynamics and just the idea of " Absolute zero“ !Probably, I 'm too innocent ,uncultured and dull, 

But, but ...  please listen to my wholehearted question!

At the time, there were nothing at all of quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics and the idea about order or disorder considering the effect of quantum behaviors. 

What is "absolute zero" itself?

What is the heat energy itself?

Why the various energy exchanges and transforms each other?

Why many theorists have discussed and will continue discussing the order or disorder, the phase transition at the point of "absolute zero" for so long, even if we have never achieved it in this real world system. 

Someday,I could be convinced of,find or achieve the reason why the world there is, and I could tell why the world there is absolute differently from Now...?

I dream it very often and I 'm obsessed with the dream, but if it came off ,I would be ecstatic and jubilant!



第3法則、完全結晶、絶対零度ではエントロピー0 といって、これは、物質が完全に凍結する、1つの状態しかとりえない=絶対零度、「絶対温度」の定義と思うのだが、


絶対零度 でも液体状態で多数の状態を取り得るとか、




秩序・無秩序 、相というものは、どうして「温度」が支配するのだろう?  

いつか、私は、この世界の有り様を、納得して、今のものとは全く違う説明で語ることが出来るようになるのかしら……? 頻繁にこんな夢をみてしまうけれど、それが現実になったら! 私は、歓喜した状態で、楽しくて楽しくて、聞いてくれそうな友達に語り続けるんだろうな!